
Wednesday 20 June 2012

Day 1

We will see how I do during my summer days, I've decided to take a few days off doing non productive time wasting shit, but I need it, I have no desire to study or do anything productive to be honest simply because of what end of school exams have done to me.

I slept at 1-2 last night and woke up at 7:40ish, suprising right?

I guess my body is really used to this 5-6 hours of sleep thing.

Gonna go lift today, downloaded fucking League of Legends and, probably gonna go to a party, I'll update on how today went later...


Tuesday 19 June 2012


Back from a long extended hiatus, still been working out though, been occupied by life really.

Will be posting video and shit in no time.

Last 20ish Workouts


had a rugby game yesterday, whoel body was sore, esp my neck, felt kinda beat up lol, was tackled a lot

anyhow, still lifted, and did fine

fsquats - 257x3/257x3/257x3/198x8 (closer stance)
bench - 198x3/198x3/198x3/154x10
pull ups - 10/15/8/8/6/8


- didnt log yesterday, was sick and busy as fuuuuuuuuuuuu
- throat is still killing me, hate this sh*t, so ghey
- least i got the workout in yesterday

b squats - 253 5x5 in < 12 minutes time
press - 125.5x1*
rows - 200x3x5, 176x10
static holdzz, rotator cuff works


f squat - 260x3, 260x2, 260x3, 209x6
press - 125x2, 125x2, 125x2, 110x4, 88x5
pull up - x10, +35 for 5 sets of 8
bit of core work

push ups ss sit ups for 10 minutes, 15 push ups then 20 sit ups
lots of sprints

- front delts were kiling from the push ups i did the past couple days, damn man

back squat - 260 for 5x5
bench - 200 for 3x2 damn, 176x5
rows - 200 for 3x5
shrugz and static holds for the grip


f squat - 260 for 3x3 , 185x10
press - 125x2 - tricep fuuuuuuuu
weighted chin - bwx10, +40 for 5x8

sprints between each chin up set


b squat - 266 for 5x5 da fuq so hard
press - 99 for 3x5, 88x8
row - 203 for 3x5
shurgs and static holdzzz

bench - 175 for 5/5/5/5/3
pull up - +40 3x8, 20 bw reps
some dipz and curlzz


front squat- 265 for 2/2/1, 225 for 5
press - 105 for 5/5/5 easy
rows - 200 5/5/5
shrugz and sh*t


b squat - 270 for 5/5/5 then 209 for 16
bench - 176 for 5x5
pull ups - ~70 total reps

front squat - 265 for 3/2/2
press - 110 for 5/5/5 harder, 95x6
row - 210 for 5/5/3 harder
shurgs and sh*t

b squat -275 for 5/5/5 easy
bench - 180 for 5x5 eh
pull ups - ~60 total reps
face pulls n sh*t


fs - 265 for 3/3/2
press - 95x10, 95x10, 95x6
pendlay row 185 for 5/5/5

bs - 280 for 5/5/6, 225 for 10
bench - 185 for 5/4, 155 for 10/7
pull ups - 60 total reps

fs - 265 for 3/3/3, 195 for 8
press - 97.5 for 10/8/6, 107.5 for 3
rows - 190 for 5/5/5, 135x15

bs - 285 for 5/5/5, 195 for 10
bench - 185 for 8/5/4, 135 for 5
pull ups - 40 total reps


fs - 267.5 3/2/2
press - 100x10/8/7, 110x3 (pause)
pend row - 195 for 3x5
shrugs, tricep extension


5 sprints up a hill (200m)


bs - 290 4/3/2, 225 5
bench 185 5 195 2 2 155 10
pull ups 49 in >7 minutes
curl and facepulls

100 squats
20 lunge jumps
35 push ups

3 rounds

strict press - 105x10/7/6, 95x6
pend row - 200 5/5/5, 135x20
RDL - 225x5, 225x5, 275x3
rotator work